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上月$65接返黎. 今日十二月$67.5 SC 收0.18 Premium($72) 實在太小..
出年一月收0.74, 又太耐

$65十二月 SC premium有 $240, 都係睇多幾日希望HSBC升多幾日.
HKB愈升得多今個月兩張SP@45又袋袋平安, 但其實PGHK想接貨 heehee..

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

so far 接貨多小? Others transfer the risk to you at the cost of paying you the premium. Right?

PGHK 說...

for hkb, 都係一二張.
yes. that's why call the $$ as "Premium".

u can think that if u have $$$/Stocks, it likes set a price with other side to buy/sell stock in a period.


PGHK 說...

if u have enough $$$/stock. All risk are beared