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記得用hibor 計息,加埋Prime rate ceiling

The investor took out a 30-year mortgage in 1971 when he bought his Laguna Beach, California, vacation home, which he recently listed for $11 million: “When I bought it for $150,000, I borrowed some money from Gre at Western Savings and Loans. So I probably only had $30,000 of equity in it or something like that. It’s the only mortgage I’ve had for 50 years.”
A 30-year mortgage is “the best instrument in the world,” Buffett says. “Because if you’re wrong and rates go to 2 percent, which I don’t think they will, you pay it off. It’s a one-way renegotiation. It is an incredibly attractive instrument for the homeowner and you’ve got a one-way bet.”

留意係「30年按揭最好」,而唔係買乜樓都好,所以如果有人叫你買間工廈而只可攤15年還,唔好信。最重要的係結尾: “one-way bet”,即係做30年按揭等於單邊對賭美金會跌。而諗sir同意呢鋪賭得過,相反讀者keep現金幾十年就係睇美金升。咁你認為美國持續印鈔落去,佢自己再揸cash會贏嗎? 同股神企對家?
 巴菲特表示,美國的30年按揭是全球最佳的投資工具,因為即使投資錯誤,利率升至2厘,但業主仍然可以還清按揭貸款,是一個單向投機(One-way bet),對業主來說是極為吸引的投資工具。