中銀: 1m hibor + 1%, ....(聽到冇再跟進) out!!!
建行: 3m hibor +0.7%, capture P-2.5% cash rebate 0.7%
DBS: 1m hibor + 0.8% capture P-2.25% cash rebate 0.5%
渣打: 有兩個plans:
plan 1: 1m hibor+0.8% capture P-1.25% cash rebate 0.7%
plan 2: 1m hibor+0%, P-1.25% cash rebate 0.5%, 三年後先還full payment 要比2.1% 手續費, 其實即係hibor+0.7%, 比較起plan 1 rebate 就少o的
hibor vs prime rate 息差有幾多??? 以匯豐個細p(5%)黎講 俾你爭取到 p-3%, hibor plan =1m hibor 0.8% = 0.9%, hibor plan 比 prime plan 足足平 1%, 如果一樣年期相差一厘大約可以慳到一半利息 即係本來比50.5萬息, 用hibor plan 只係比33.9萬!!!! save16.6 萬利息, 係味好勁??


玩hibor plan 當然要留意銀行公會既hibor rate. 但係poor guy云云都係得每日數據 冇graph睇唔到個trend, 算, 等poor guy 出馬
poor guy 會每日11:15am後更新 請大家多多指教
16 則留言:
H咁浮動, 咁我咪要成日CHECK住?
因為hibor日日都不同,但係銀行都唔會日日同係計. 所以多數set定每個月某一日定供款的rate.
hibor 有時會好波動,真係唔好彩計rate 個個月個日高過p-2.25 (dbs), dbs會同你用p-2.25個rate計供款同利息, 下個月跌反hibor計出黎個rate低過p-2.25, 又用反hibor+0.8% rate.
但係留意渣打一hit到個cap p rate, 之後都會用cap rate, 想轉反要俾錢再申請
大數情形 hibor 係低過 prime rate, hibor係銀行之間拆借成本, 但係當然有例外 唔講金融風暴, 金融海嘯, 好似有隻好hit新股做ipo, 短期hibor都會抽升 大家要留意。但係呢半年hibor 大多數都係0.1-0.3%, 而prime 就係5%, 銀行食水都深
Thank you呀~
"申請「同業拆息按揭計劃」,手續費全免。於續期時,你更可自由轉用本行之港元最優惠利率,首次轉換費全免。 "
第一次轉plan免費, 都ok既
另想問所謂罰息期係咪即係呢段時間都唔可以轉去第二d銀行? 同埋你知唔知轉按揭去其他銀行通常收幾多?
hi purutaz,
大多數時間hibor 應該都低過 prime rate 因為hibor係成本, 所以o的人都唔會特登轉去prime rate計, 所以呢..^_^
dbs 就三年, 頭1,2年 full payment 3%
3 年1%
如果partial payment 頭三年都係0.5%
匯豐就有1年罰息期 不過佢得prime
啱啱搵資料, 見到經絡按揭既link就去睇下, 原來係免費的... 唔明, 咁佢地點維到皮? 唔通成功轉介銀行有佣金比佢地?
of cos bank has rebate to them
Plan A: Hibor+0% (P-1.5 / 1.75%) for the first 3 years, thereafter Hibor +
0.7% Cap (P-1.5% / 1.75%)
1. 0.7% handling fee for the first 3 years
2. cash rebate (depends on cases)
3. No prepayment penalty (NO prepayment penalty)
Plan B: Hibor+0.8% (P-1.5%/1.75%)
1. around 0.3% cash rebate
2. Prepaymenty Penalty: 3% for the 1st year , 2% for the 2nd year , 1% for
the 3rd year
DBS (星展) (loan size need over 2M)
Hibor+0.8% (P-2.25%)
1. around 0.5 % cash rebate
2. Prepaymenty Penalty: 2% for the 1st year , 1% for the 2nd year , 1% for
the 3rd year
Bank of Communication (交通) (loan size need over 2M)
Hibor+0.78% (P-2.25%)
1. around 0.1 % cash rebate
2. Prepaymenty Penalty: 1% for the 1st year , 0.75% for the 2nd year ,0.5%
for the 3rd year
China Construction Bank(建行)
3個月Hibor+0.7% (P-2.7 %)
1. around 0.5 % cash rebate
2. Prepaymenty Penalty: 2% for the 1st year , 1% for the 2nd year , 1% for
the 3rd year
P Plan
Wing Hang (永亨)
Fixed 1.8% for the first years, thereafter P-3.05% (2.2%)
1. 0.8% cash rebate
2. Prepayment Penalty of the above plans : 2% for the 1st year , 1% for the
2nd year , 1% for the 3rd year
Bank of China (中銀)
P-2.8% (2.2%)
1. 1% cash rebate
2. Prepayment Penalty of the above plans : 2% for the 1st year, 1% for the
2nd year
Nanyang Commercial (南洋)
P-2.8% (2.2%)
1. 1% cash rebate
2. Prepayment Penalty of the above plans : 2% for the 1st year, 1% for the
2nd year
P-2.8% (2.2%)
1. 1% cash rebate
2. Prepayment Penalty of the above plans : 2% for the 1st year, 1% for the
2nd year
萬一出現一次hibor 急升300 厘,咁問你點算呢?
所以個cap都好重要. 如果果日hibor 升到300, 而家高過P-x.x% rate,咁就用cap個個rate計, 如果hibor長期高企, 銀行一定會升prime, 用prime rate一樣會加息
地產果邊呢, 都係老調子, 話H唔知會低水到幾時. 咁又係, 唔知捱唔捱到多一兩年...
銀行方面, 主打問返p, 暫時匯豐最抵, P(5%)-2.9, 中銀就P(5%)-2.85. 匯豐平少少, 但點解中銀多d人用... 唔明白
宜家想等埋經絡果邊既回覆, 睇睇仲有無so
其實睇你自已,HIBOR比P低但風險高, 睇個CAP做人啦
恒X銀行就唔好試啦,服務其差,同個OFFER又差P-2.5,個Staff食住下午茶同你傾,我真係覺得好似求佢咁多過似佢個客. 可能我唔到5mil
我諗住用交行既p plan啦~
--> 交銀香港今日起調整一系列按揭利率,最矚目的莫過於全期P減3.25厘的私人住宅推廣計劃,即實際按息2厘,現金回贈最多1%,罰息期3年。計劃要求客戶貸款額最少150萬元,並須在8月31日前提取貸款及設有限額。
cap = P-1.75, 有睇pghk就知一o的都唔低啦
渣打推優惠搶領都客[18:18] 2009年7月13日
anyone have excel to calculate hibor monthly payment (not constant payment)? including P, I and P+I formula? Thanks!
一轉息, 銀行就會同你計+餘下期數