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1. Club house 登廣告。工廈可找些門口有notice board的。可經管理處免費登出租廣告。

2. 帶客睇單位.(點解唔係空姐!!!!) 

3. 包簡單傢俱( table, chairs, sofa, bed, wardrobe, refrigerator, washing machine...) 

4. 傾價錢, 簽租約 (有份租約template) 

5. 安排轉水,電,煤 "Water - If I am moving to another apartment which has water supply and a meter, and the previous occupier has just moved out. How can I take up the consumership of my new apartment? You should complete Form WWO1 ( and submit it with a copy of Identity Card (apply in personal capacity) / Business Registration (apply in the capacity of a company) to the Water Supplies Department. You may also apply via Internet, call our hotline at 2824 5000 during office hours (only applicable to domestic accounts registered in the consumer's own name) or apply in person at one of our Customer Enquiry Centres. For details, please refer to 

 CLP Power - Requests to terminate or change an account must be made at least two working days beforehand. A termination of electricity account form can be downloaded from the CLP website. The deposit, if applicable, may be refunded either in cash at a customer service centre, by cheque within five working days or through Electronic Fund Transfer to a bank account. 24-hour Customer Info Line: 2678 2678 24-hour Emergency Hotline: 2728 8333 

Towngas - To open town gas account, please refer to 

6. 安排住戶證 

7. 用e-gov( 打埋stamp duty. to be protected by law. 攪定.. both parties save half month rental as commission.

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

可否介紹一下買家居保其實有d 咩用?

匿名 說...

租約Template 邊度有?

PGHK 說...

家居冇乜用, 不過一定要買, 大屋用東亞, 細屋渣打同交行都ok

匿名 說...


PGHK 說...


Unknown 說...
