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Prefered bank開戶送$50

加埋開出糧戶口又多$300 cash dollors

6 則留言:

匿名 說...

PG兄,知唔知Hang Seng計唔計SI 出糧的?成日轉出糧實比老細x, 最好可以自己攪掂啦.小弟已經用si 係Citi and SCB 成功扮出糧.

PGHK 說...

hi friend,
which bank u setup SI, need charge?

用SI, SCB 好似話收少一半WOR.. right?

匿名 說...

setup SI in DBS and CITI online is free. scb and citi 全數已食

PGHK 說...

citibank online 做要收service charge $50 wor.

has waive?

匿名 說...

SI 其實系咩來架!

PGHK 說...

即是衡常指示. Standing instruction.
