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Citibank 繳付3項或以上送Coupon

可獲贈HK$100現金券, 無話最少交幾多. $10都ok?, 不過O的商戶要係" June 1 to November 16, 2011"期間味交過的。除佐100, 仲有大抽獎

於2011年11月17日至2012年1月31日期間,以您的Citibanking 戶口繳付3項或以上指定繳費類別之賬單,除可盡享繳費便利,更可獲贈HK$100現金券,及自動參加「HK$10,000現金大抽獎」贏取HK$10,000現金!,promo
Designated bills include:

6 則留言:

匿名 說...


開左戶口一直無交過費用,睇來今次終於有發揮噶意義啦 ^^

匿名 說...

正.. 吾記得左個password tim, 要去reset過..

匿名 說...

Paid by same settlement account for three times at least? Or allow different settlement accounts?

PGHK 說...

pay by the same settlement account is easier than different account.
I just have one settlement account.

And must be bank account, not credit card account as settlement account.

匿名 說...


PGHK 說...

收完coupon cut account.