Google Ad unit

citi 八達通卡回贈$750

之前講過而家新出卡有1000文回贈(250+750), 收到promotion, 而家舊客都可以有750文回贈
應該個個客都有 之前計過回報唔算高 !!

2 則留言:

匿名 說...

唔係人人有份 >_<.

Thank you for your message via Citibank Online of April 15, 2009.
For your information to be eligible for “ Spending Rewards” Promotion, applicants must successfully apply and activate an Octopus Citibank Credit Card (“Designated Card”) issued by Citibank on or before June 30, 2009. We regret that your Octopus Citibank Platinum VISA Card account is not in the “Designated card” list. Your understanding in this matter will be highly appreciated.

PGHK 說...

oh.. sorry to hear that... but not quite jetso... find another target ba.