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有少少改觀了, 果然是教授, 接納別人批評, 有容人之量

"Dear PG,

Thank you for the message.

Due to word limit, I cannot give more details. Actually I got the
money back immediately. Moreover, this is a small charitable
organisation and we normally have several transactions before school
year starts for remittance of school fees to students. That's why we
don't notice the bank charges until I realised that the balance for
current account decreases.

I just want to alert other readers.  No bank statements issued, hard
to know the details.

Keep in touch and thanks again.


連續七個月被人收費服務費都唔發覺, 仲好意思講出黎. 真係替"慈善機構"膽心. 不如早的轉人. 就算真係收了費又如何, 你不知可以email 去waive嗎? 定係email都懶得寫, 掛住出犒賺外快? 
PG上幾個月申了hsbc銀聯卡, 已經簽夠數, 但等了二個月都味收到迎新的三百元, 電話都廢事打, 直接email查問, 幾日後hsbc打返俾話因為幾個月前取消了卡所以無發放, "但因PG大名特別處理"(波波的大名比PG更響應該更易waive), 下月至入戶口hahaha. 就係咁簡單。
所以hsbc的確變了. 他們專欺負又懶又不用腦的人. 可以波波被收信用卡年費都會照付吧, 然後出篇"匯豐銀行真不近人情...."雲雲...


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