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itune music, iphone 5, ipad mini, sim-nano, app store...
+ 每股100 usd cash實在吸引,PG覺得APPLE用家係肯俾錢消費果種.咁就好啦賺完hardware, 仲可以賺埋
software/content, 呢條水長云長有。

3 則留言:

匿名 說...

Buy apple stock? At which price is good? Any dividends?

匿名 說...

2012Q2 result is lower than expected. Still buy? What price u buy?

PGHK 說...

buy more and waiting iphone 5+ipadmini

expectation is bullshit.
grow 21% is real.

"a 21 percent rise in net income to $8.8 billion, or $9.32 a share, lagging Wall Street's forecast of $10.37 a share."

600/(~10x4) = 15 PE. it is not expensivce for tech. corp