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DBS推薦計劃Part 2-額外$100回贈

而家全新客戶(未持有dbs信用卡)被PGHK推薦成功申請DBS信用卡, 除迎新禮品外(首兩月簽$4800包括$800指定消費, rebate $300), pghk另外多俾$100, 加埋DBS的online apply $100. 最多有$500 rebate. 如果經常係淘寶網買野, 可以簡淘寶網10% rebate,上限$500 total最多rebate $700


DBS已經回覆 thx 網友牛同學分享
- 申請人半年內沒有DBS信用卡(不包括dbs black/manualife card)已可被推薦
- 有 compass visa 也可作為被推薦(原文如下:)
Thank you for your email.
We would like to inform you that:
1) The referees must not currently hold and/or in the past 6 months have held or cancelled any DBS Platinum Card, DBS Gold Card or DBS Classic Card issued by DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited or its predecessors.
2) Yes, the referee would be eligible if he/she is currently holding a ComPass VISA Card only.
3) Yes, the referee would be eligible if he/she has cancelled the DBS Card for over 6 months and is not currently hold any DBS Platinum, Gold or Classic Card.
4) The spending of the referee will not affect the gift entitlement of the referrer.
5) Not applicable.Should you have further queries, please feel free to call our 24-hour Customer Services Hotline on 2290 8888 for assistance.Yours sincerely,DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

10 則留言:

CW 說...



9. 成功申請主卡者須於發出新卡後首2個月內(「簽賬期」)累積零售簽賬及/或現金透支滿HK$4,800,而當中包括於「指定消費類別」累積簽賬滿HK$800或以上,方可以免費獲贈「HK$300夏日現金賞」。現金賞將於簽賬期結束後之3個月內直接存入客戶之信用卡戶口,並顯示於月結單上。
10. 「指定消費類別」指 a) 海外消費;b) 旅遊簽賬 及c) 本地影音商戶。

a)「海外消費」是指以外國貨幣交易(港幣及澳門幣除外)之零售簽賬。若客戶於海外以「即時外幣兌換」(Dynamic Currency Conversion) 方式簽賬,可選擇以當地貨幣或港幣作結算,而所選擇之結算貨幣將不能更改。若客戶選擇以港幣作結算,該簽賬將不計算為指定消費類別;
b) 「旅遊簽賬」是指透過旅遊代理/航空公司購買之旅遊產品,但不適用於任何不屬於旅遊商戶類別之消費簽賬;
c) 「本地影音商戶」只限百老匯攝影器材有限公司、中原電器、張毛記、豐澤、國美電器及蘇寧鐳射; 客戶之簽賬是否界定為指定消費類別由本行全權及絕對酌情決定。

匿名 說...

咁部 LG 42" 呢?

匿名 說...

online apply 本身都送$100 coupon 喎

CW 說...

$1000 好正...

不過我剛剛用渣打(新卡)簽哂旅遊+影音... 而家無野好簽了.......

匿名 說...

匿名 說...


PGHK 說...

暫時有5位經pghk 介紹申請,留意係經pghk介紹成功申請dbs卡先有$300 額外回贈。

匿名 說...

就算簽賬唔達標都可以得到300推薦回贈加100 online apply? 我有意思申請dbs black card! Poor guy 預埋我!

匿名 說...

$1000 好正... 是什麼?

PGHK 說...

緊係冇咁jetso la, 個張係dbs visa card, 冇得申請dbs black card.

要經pghk介紹成功開卡先有, 仲要夠六個人成功開卡先有$300rebate, 唔係就$100.