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渣打信用卡額外多$50超市禮券+17% rebate

除佐現有迎新, 而家交齊文件(salary receipt+address apporve) 即時送多$50超市禮券. 有興趣請聯絡PGHK (, 優惠至3月尾。

而家至4月尾, 係百佳/屈臣氏買滿400文仲有10% rebate. 每月最多$300, 所以拿拿林申請渣打卡, 交齊文, 希望有4月中前出到卡.仲有記得登記, 買4800 coupon, 實收3950即係17% rebate.

3 則留言:

Ranger 說...

Good idea. However does coupon purchase count?

PGHK 說...

it is counted in case of over $400 in a purchase
max rebate per month is 300

Roy 說...

purchase $4,800 PK Coupon?
and the net payment is $3,950?
I wanna know how to calculate it, thx alots