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vmware buys spring framework: 呢幾年vmware 發展得好快, 公司今年將好多ibm server 轉用windows server 係vmare 上行, 好似話慳反o的成本WOR...

不過真係估唔到vmware 會買spring framework, 唔通想出virtual application server??
spring 係j2ee 陣型咁受歡迎, 咁快轉手 對將來既spring framework 開發有冇影響??

oracle買weblogic, sun 而家vmware出手 ibm 幾時出手??

Today I want to share some exciting news. We have signed a definitive agreement with VMware, who will acquire SpringSource. Subject to regulatory approval, we expect the transaction to close in Q3. SpringSource will become a division within VMware. I will continue to lead SpringSource, reporting to VMware CEO Paul Maritz.

Today I would like to explain the vision and careful reasoning behind this deal: why it’s natural and logical; why it can lead to the creation of amazing technology that will immensely benefit users; why it’s good for Spring and other technologies SpringSource leads or contributes to; why it’s good for the Spring community and what you can expect to see resulting from it.

An Exciting Opportunity

In the Spring Framework, SpringSource delivers a powerful, pragmatic, and productive approach to enterprise application development that continues to change enterprise Java for the better. We’ve taken our core values of continuous innovation and simple, powerful solutions and applied them to most aspects of enterprise applications, encompassing web, batch, integration, and more. We’ve taken those same values that helped to revolutionize the way you build applications, and applied them to how you deploy and run enterprise applications, resulting in ground-breaking products such as dm Server and tc Server. With our recent acquisition of Hyperic, we’re also transforming the way you manage enterprise applications, giving new levels of insight into applications and breaking down barriers between development and operational views of a running system.
