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Windows 7 Pre-Order Offer

microsoft 有pre-order windows 7, 而家order 可以半價買到 home premium/professional 版

係home store order 可以選擇 實物或者download 版

Windows 7 is coming on October 22, 2009. Here's an easy way to get it fast and save a bunch: Pre-order a Windows 7 Home Premium Upgrade for $49** or a Windows 7 Professional Upgrade for $99.**

That's about half off the estimated retail prices. This offer is available through participating retailers. Pick one below and pre-order today. They'll tell you how to get your copy when Windows 7 is available.

2 則留言:

ksec 說...

以我所知淨係 Delivery 去 US only...

PGHK 說...

ms話係ms store 買有download 版,應該唔限地區掛.., hardcopy 真係美國先store