本博客專門發掘香港的著數東西,希望大家賺盡一分一毫。 例子: 一日慳1蚊,一年可以儲到365蚊,以年回報15%計50年之後,可以有34.9萬。你話係咪好驚人!!!
Is there any skill/technique in buying such magazines ? I found it very difficult to buy when the free stuff are very attractive. Always sold out when I arrive at a stall ! :-(BTW, isn't it a waste to 本野睇都唔睇就放環保箱 directly ?
而家資訊咁發達, 一有jetso 個個都知, 所以味好快賣曬lor. 亦都証明真係jetso. 下次早o的LOR
Is there any skill/technique in buying such magazines ? I found it very difficult to buy when the free stuff are very attractive. Always sold out when I arrive at a stall ! :-(
回覆刪除BTW, isn't it a waste to 本野睇都唔睇就放環保箱 directly ?
而家資訊咁發達, 一有jetso 個個都知, 所以味好快賣曬lor. 亦都証明真係jetso. 下次早o的LOR