Google Ad unit

渣打atm 有7-11 coupon 派...

Thx Vins report.

New Promotion for Standard Chartered Bank

Here is what I know recently for the Standard Chartered Bank promotion:

Wish you all the best.

大家出力禁啦... click-a-count is the best choice.

3 則留言:

Vins Wan 說...

今朝去渣打ATM拎錢, 真係有7-ELEVEN COUPON, 不過係$5.

PGHK 說...

我尋晚都"禁"到五文...... 不過好多次..
cash coupon冇conditions.. hahah... buy newspaper.

C'est la vie 說...

我黑仔....提左十次都唔係7 仔 ._.|||