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Google成日都唔照顧IE 6的用戶,佢始終係而家最多人用既browser,又快又慳resources, 簡直係老機救星,Google 快o的出change theme呀...

Firefox 轉theme 介面:

名店優惠: **SPECIAL Private Sales + I.T. XX 20th Anniversary Shopping Spree **

SPECIAL Private Sales
I.T. XX 20th Anniversary Shopping Spree

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*唔好問我什麼叫SPECIAL Private Sale, 我都係fw from my friend^_^*

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sales 要交數,我地幫得就幫,如有任何優惠計劃即管send 俾我地,係jetso 即出。

P.S.我地Poorguy Blog係沒有收取任何佣金的, 只係想介紹比大家

Part-time / Temp Job介紹: CitySuper推廣員 / 收銀員

我收到呢間機構的email, 有興趣的朋友請直接聯絡有關機構啦! Good luck!

P.S.我地Poorguy Blog係沒有收取任何佣金的, 只係想介紹比大家等大家多o的機會搵多o的錢! ^_^

Megabox得1想2大優惠 - $48有溜冰 & 睇戲優惠

又要多謝blog友 - Kuo的無私報料! ^_^

可以係星期一至五, 用$48便可以睇戲 (下午五點前) & 溜冰呢!
看似都幾抵, 但可惜MB佢cancel了Kwun Tong的shuttle bus 服務... 可惜可惜!
縱然MB有咁多優惠, 但佢的位置 & 交通實在係佢的一大缺點! 尤其係無左免費shuttle bus, 我去APM / 德福 / 新都城唔好?


立法會又使唔使引用特權法徹查呢件事,輸既係納稅人的... 比起雷曼事件更加關我地事..

from 18 nov thestandard

Government takes $2.44b hit on HKEx

Katherine Ng

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Hong Kong government has lost as much as HK$2.44 billion on its holdings in Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing (0388) since the Exchange Fund bought additional shares in the bourse operator last September.
HKEx plunged 7.5 percent yesterday to a two- year low of HK$60.55 after Morgan Stanley downgraded its target price more than 49 percent from HK$75 to HK$38 in the least optimistic judgment of any investment bank.

The stock has nosedived more than 60 percent since the government snapped up shares at an average price of HK$155.22 to increase its stake to 5.88 percent from 4.41 percent on September 7, 2007. HKEx peaked at HK$265.6 on November 2 last year and since then it has fallen by as much as 77 percent.


Morgan Stanley analyst Anil Agarwal said weaker earnings on lower turnover, investment income, data and listing fees were among its reasons for slashing the target price.

Morgan Stanley's most bullish assumption is for daily turnover on the Hong Kong exchange to average HK$47 billion a day in 2009, Agarwal said, even as other sources of revenue continue to decline.

Its most gloomy outlook was for turnover to average HK$15 billion a day as it did during the last bear market in 2004-2005.

"The stock is currently trading at 23 times 2009 earnings and our new target price implies a multiple of 14 times," said Agarwal.

Morgan Stanley maintained its "underperform" rating on HKEx.

The government would be a further HK$7.4 billion out of pocket if Morgan Stanley's target price for HKEx becomes a reality.

TWIST Final Reduction - Up to 70% off (20-11 to 21-11)

Giordano - Staff Sale

今日睇頭條日報見到以上的Giordano Sale, 如果拎住份廣告仲有額外贈品呢!
有興趣記住睇下今日的頭條日報 ^_^

名店優惠: I.T XX Shopping Spree 20週年扣物折

Fw from my friend: 詳情:
(建議大家先DL和看看以上的word file和先打去有關分店問詳情先至去掃貨)


東亞卡: 而家用東亞卡簽賬,每月累積簽滿三千文,就有百分百仲獎機會

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互動時間: 返工 / 放工點樣搭車最so?

突然又有興致攪下互動時間, 之前都整過1次係有關信用卡road show地點的分享(互動時間: 信用卡Road Show地點) 我地Poorguy好感激各位blog友的報料, 但反應如能更加踴躍相信會仲好! 以幫到更多的blog友去拎多些jetso! ^_^

而家我又想大家分享一下大家返工/放工的jetso, 好多香港人除左搭MTR外, 對其他交通工具係不屑一顧, 但其實香港的鐵路費用係幾高昂, 尤其係如你要過「海」返工 (維港仲可以稱得上「海」嘛?) 簡單點如由藍田MTR--> 炮台山MTR車費都可能差不多要$8了!

所以大家可以分享一下點樣返工/放工搭車係最so嘛? 就等我先分享:

Home: 觀塘秀茂坪
Office: 中環交易廣場某期
返工: 1. 601P ($9.8)
放工: 1. 坐船 ($1.7) 到 TST; 2. TST坐13X回秀茂坪 ($6.5) / 215X回觀塘
來回: $18

MTR: 由觀塘--->中環---->觀塘 1. $2.5 - 小巴; 2. MTR - $11.2 = 來回要$27.4

大家如唔介意, 可以copy & paste以上的文字, 然後寫上意見欄, 等各位可以參考大家返工/放工的方法, 又或者可以研究到一條更佳, 更有so的路徑 & 方法呢!



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東海堂and 元気寿司已經收歸其下:
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名店優惠: Polo - Pre-Thanksgiving Sale


名店優惠: 再o黎Chloe - See by Chloe




"Big guns will be back to blast us, warns Lau

Alfred Liu and Benjamin Scent

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Investment guru Joseph Lau Luen-hung, chairman of Chinese Estates (0127), comments on the Hong Kong stock market and property market for the first time in an interview with East Week magazine, a sister publication of The Standard.

In a wide-ranging interview, Lau reveals his thoughts on how hedge funds and other big foreign guns in the market took advantage of the chaos from the financial tsunami.

EW: Did big foreign institutions notice that many people had bought high-risk derivative products and use that as an entry point to launch speculative attacks on the Hong Kong market when it was at its most vulnerable?

Lau: The market fell 1,600 points in one day [October 27], and then recovered some 1,500 points the next day. I think some hedge funds or securities firms were short-selling futures to push blue-chip stocks lower. What they did was perfectly legal.

But people were angry. Europe and the United States banned short selling. The Hong Kong government should have also banned short selling when the Hang Seng Index fell to 13,000.

EW: Are foreign investment houses making big money this time through short-selling?

Lau: Many of the big guns set up a fishing net when the market was still at 18,000, and then they just sat and waited to reap the harvest. When the HSI slumped to 11,000, suddenly, there were a lot of rumors that it would hit 8,000. For sure, they were manipulating the market to spread fear.

EW: Did the index rebound on October 27 because the big guns pulled out of the market?

Lau: I think those big players were afraid that the government would suddenly ban short-selling. So they cleared their positions very quickly. After the Hong Kong market fell 1,600 points, the Dow dropped 2 percent.

So, the local market should have continued falling the next day. Instead, it actually rose 1,500 points. It's obvious - this is robbery. They have hoodwinked Hong Kong investors.

The day HSBC's share price dropped to HK$75, confidence of many loyal shareholders snapped and they dumped the stock. If a market allows short selling, some people will always think up tricky ways of earning money. When the markets are so turbulent, the government should do something to tackle the problem, instead of just letting some outsiders come in and rob people.

EW: Do you think the big guns are planning another attack on Hong Kong?

Lau: Yes, they will inevitably attack again, because it's easier to forecast a drop than a rise when confidence is getting worse.

EW: What should investors do in this volatile market?

Lau: Be very cautious. The volatility will last three to six months. But I believe Hong Kong is backed by China, and Beijing will take care of our 7 million people. They have the ability to protect us.

EW: Can you share more of your personal experience for retail investors?

Lau: As a retail shareholder, first, you have to be able to adjust to changing circumstances. Never be stubborn. Second, don't fall in love with stocks - you must not get married to them. Third, you may aim to maximize returns on your stock investments, but don't hesitate to cut your losses when something goes wrong.

EW: Derivative products such as accumulators have caused huge losses. Why are they so destructive?

Lau: There are both advantages and disadvantages to investing in derivatives. Accumulators can actually help investors hedge. For example, you can buy HK$50 million in accumulators linked to a particular stock and also buy HK$100 million worth of the shares directly.

If there is a shortfall on your accumulator investment, you can use the shares you have on hand to cover the losses. The reason why some investors lost so much was they didn't have the stock on hand - and secondly, because of greed.

EW: Many tycoons in the city invested in accumulators even though they didn't fully understand what they were buying into. What happened?

Lau: Many of them put down big bets during the bull market, which is why they lost so much after the market turned sour. Accumulators are not to blame.

Its mainly to do with strategy and how you deal with risk.

EW: Is there a possibility the Hang Seng Index will test a low of 10,600 in the coming three to six months?

Lau: A foreign-owned securities firm told me that the index will not drop below 11,000 points this year. But next year it is possible to touch this low. I personally think the 4 trillion yuan (HK$4.55 trillion) stimulus plan by the central government will be able to boost the economy; so as long as the Hong Kong government can handle the short selling problem well, the market will not be too bad."

source: the standardard

KEF 音響優惠..

唔知大家有冇用KEF 音響,佢係英國出品,不過比香港公司(金山)收購佐,屋企用緊佢套5.1 都ok 的

Body Shop: 7折 - Merry Christmas

應該要print幅圖出o黎! ^.^


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名店優惠: Private Sales.....再o黎!

以下info都係fw自我的朋友, 仲有以下info應該未share過:
(但請注意, 我都係fw info, 建議大家先打電話去問各商戶係咪真係有此優惠先起行, 同埋以下的資料我唔擔保100%係無誤的, 所以最好先打電話去問問)

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如想方便print 哂上面o的出o黎, 可以去下面的URL DL個word file, 咁會方便一o的!

(Celine Private Sale好似已過期)

轉載優惠....MSI notebook 學生優惠.

from today 蘋果日報
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SCHOT ( 2893 2221 )



我買"張丕德" ,條友除佐英文流利之外,講野真係好X,又唔用x,上星期睇nba 直播,馬刺對熱火,打佐一陣parker拗柴受傷退下火線,好彩照完x 光話佢冇骨裂,條友就一倫嘴係度講"唔知唔知...唔知parker幾時 先可以出反黎,可能一個禮拜, 二個禮拜,一個月都唔定" 講佐一大倫野,隔離個同事睇唔過眼... 搭佐句"如果冇骨裂,應該兩星期就好反ga la.. 大家唔使膽心".. 佢即刻布冇聲出..

第二位"丁偉傑" 又名數據皇,一開波佢就會對住電腦狂講數據,冇錯開波講下對賽成績冇問題,但你都唔使成場波講ga.... 你唔悶我都悶啦... 聽係講數據我不如自己睇電腦,我而家係睇緊場波,最想知道現場發生緊乜事呀...... 唔係邊個邊個之前入幾多球。

"...活 塞 處 於 重 組 期 , 在 此 期 間 看 來 仍 可 保 持 極 高 爭 勝 力 , 我 對 杜 馬 士 的 決 策 甚 為 欣 賞 。 文 : 張 丕 德 ESPN 籃 球 評 述 員 "

渣打Click-A-Count Q & A


渣打Click-A-Count的 Q & A:前文)

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A) 如Click A Count Titanium信用卡不被批核, 可否要求取消整個Click A
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iPrince Remarks:
即係如果想玩晒個promotion的話, 咁promotion內唔可以cut信用卡或saving. 又或者唔想玩個promotion都唔好三個月內

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B)另繳付賬單之金額有沒有設立下限, 能不能繳付十元的賬單?
Remarks: 即係唔洗禁煩諗提款呀轉賬呀入錢呀碌卡呀去儲分喇. 入定$45落戶口就唔洗再去分行.

Q4) 在貴行網站內註明全年可獲享高達HK$400現金獎賞, 而推廣總共會推行5季,

Q5) 於網上理財進行轉賬至第三者之其他銀行戶口有否任何手續費?

Q6) 於分行櫃位進行現金/支票存款有否任何手續費?


第 129 期
新世界發展 太古A 會德豐 銀河娛樂 港通控股
Far East Consortium International Limited 特別號碼 恒生銀行

我4注每注都係仲兩個字.... 冇得回本... tomorrow need back job on time!!!!!

鍾意Sony Notebook..


SONY 最新推出兩款notebook model: VGN-TT16GN, VGN-TT17GN,兩款新形號一部賣HKD$15,980,另一部賣HKD$21,980而且仲有optical mouse 送。

雖然而家eeepc 當道,一部機都唔使三千文,但係對SONY fans 黎講兩部機一o的都唔貴,睇到咁靚既cover girl 都值回票價啦! 仲要馬上full paid 訂一部, 哈!


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Yahoo 拍賣:

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稅貸最後一擊 - 匯豐



我發現網上條link 係月平息低至0.1%與一個月利息回贈,但係我封promotion letter就係開頭果o的terms,唔知大家係咪都係咁,如果係就緊係用promotion letter申請啦。

講佐咁多稅貸都應該黎個比較,就用蘋果果個啦.. heheee

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Info PGHK("company") may choose to collect personal information about customers and persons who make inquiries to the Company (collectively, “Customers”). Accordingly, the Company hereby announces its policy on handling such information (the “Policy”). 1. Terms and definitions The term “personal information” as used in this Policy shall mean information about a living individual that can identify the specific individual by name, date of birth or other description contained in such information (including such information will allow easy reference to other information and will thereby enable the identification of the specific individual). 2. Purpose of use of personal information The Company may use the personal information acquired from Customers only within the extent needed to achieve the objectives as listed below, except in cases in which the consent of the Customers in question was obtained. However, the above shall not apply to cases permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003) or other laws and regulations: To offer, sell or send products and services that the Company is providing or may provide in the future (“the Company’s Services”) to Customers; To communicate (including communicating by direct mail and email) information about the Company’s Services to Customers; To communicate (including communicating by direct mail and email) information about products or services of a third party with whom the Company has an ongoing contractual relationship (“the Company’s Business Partners”); To verify or authenticate the Customers in question when providing the Company’s Services to the Customers; To provide after-sales services incidental to the Company’s Services to Customers or to respond to inquiries and complaints from Customers; To conduct questionnaires to Customers and analyze the results of questionnaires; To compile and analyze statistical data based on personal information in a format that is no longer individually identifiable and to provide the data to a third party as necessary; and To improve the Company’s Services and develop new services. 3. Provision of personal information to third parties Except as provided below, the Company shall not provide personal information to any third party without approval of the Customers in question: When it is necessary to cooperate with an agency of the state or local government organization or their agent in the execution of their duty according to laws and regulations; and In other cases in which it is permitted under the Act on the Protection of Personal Information (Act No. 57 of 2003) or other laws and regulations. 4. Disclosure of personal information If Customers request disclosure of their own personal information, the Company will respond without delay by delivering a written document. However, if any of the following cases applies as a result of such disclosure, the Company may determine not to disclose all or part of the personal information: When the fulfilment of the request may cause damage to the life, body, property or other rights or interests of Customers themselves or any third party; When the fulfilment of the request may cause material impediment to the proper execution of the Company’s business; or When the fulfilment of the request constitutes a violation of laws and regulations. 5. Revision, etc. of personal information If the Company is requested by Customers, because the Customer’s personal information held by the Company contains errors or because the information has been obtained or used in violation of the Policy or laws and regulations, to correct, add, delete, suspend the use of, or eliminate information, then the necessary investigation will be carried out without delay, and ascertaining that there are grounds for the request, the Company will respond appropriately. 6. Procedures for disclosure, correction, etc. of personal information and complaints Please contact the Company using the following methods for matters concerning personal information, inquiries about personal information, and the disclosure, correction, deletion, etc. of personal information. [Website] Click here for inquiries [Telephone] +81-3-6380-2807 7. Changes or revisions to the Policy The Company may elect to change or revise this Policy. If the changes are significant, the Company will provide a notice on its website. Customers are kindly requested to confirm the contents of the webpage when they visit the page and understand the Company’s policy for handling personal information. 8. Cookies Policy What are cookies? Cookies are small text files which are placed on your computer or mobile phone when you visit a website. They are widely used in order to make websites work or to work more efficiently. Cookies help our Website to recognize your device and remember anonymized information about your visit. How do we use cookies? We do not use cookies to track you individually or to identify you, but to allow us to operate our Website as efficiently as possible, to facilitate your navigation on our Website, and use of its features, so as to provide you with a seamless experience. We use analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to help us measure traffic and usage statistics in order to understand how visitors access and use our Website. We use information collected through cookies to help improve our Website and to compile aggregate statistics about how our Website is used by visitors. We do not collect your personal information on our site. Learn more about how Google Analytics collects and uses data here. How to manage your cookies preferences Most browsers allow you to manage your cookies preferences by changing your browser settings. You may thus set your browser to: (i) automatically accept or refuse all cookies; (ii) automatically accept or refuse first party cookies and/or third party cookies; or (iii) notify you before any cookies are set on your terminal equipment so that you get the opportunity to accept or refuse such cookies. Consequently, if you consent to our use of cookies but later wish to opt out, you may at any time through your browser settings delete the cookies which have been set and change your browser settings to block all or part of any further cookies. For further information consult your browser’s “Help” function. Please note that if you block cookies, your experience on our Website may be impacted as we may not be able to provide you with full access to all functionalities and contents of our Website. How long do we retain cookies? We do not specify the retention period of cookies.


有什麼笑話即管post 出黎,娛人娛已,一齊忘憂,笑完再搏殺。


Chevignon Privilege Sale

Chevignon Privilege Sale

日期 :

參加方法 :

折扣額 : 2008秋冬服飾系列低至五折, 牛仔及皮褸系列七折優惠(個別款號除外)

員工號碼 : 151002 Ho Yin Ching, Fanny

Giordano Concepts Sale: 7/11/2008-10/11/2008 - (指定分店)享正價貨品有半價優惠


要enjoy offer我地要print email, 最好去下載file, 因為我將個2幅圖放在file內!


時間廊 低至一折(至11月9日)

朋友forward 俾我

香 港 有 幾 多 間 專 賣 手 錶 大 型 連 鎖 店 , 真 係 毋 須 用 五 隻 手 指 數 晒 , 而 能 夠 做 到 老 中 青 三 代 都 認 識 , 應 該 非 時 間 廊 ( City Chain ) 莫 屬 。 做 開 大 眾 生 意 佢 , 點 會 唔 識 得 迎 合 現 時 經 濟 環 境 呢 ! 所 以 「 時 間 廊 特 賣 優 惠 」 出 場 都 係 遲 與 早 問 題 , 多 款 聽 到 耳 熟 品 牌 如 Casio 、 Seiko 、 Titus 都 特 價 發 售 , 更 有 部 份 低 至 一 折 。 最 好 係 , 所 有 手 錶 都 附 送 6 個 月 免 費 保 養 , 無 話 因 為 你 買 特 價 貨 就 乜 都 唔 理 , 認 真 唔 話 得 。
時 間 廊 特 賣 場

日 期 : 即 日 起 至 11 月 9 日
時 間 : 10:00am-8:00pm
地 址 : 九 龍 灣 宏 照 道 11 號 寶 隆 中 心 地 下 G01 室 ( 九 龍 灣 港 鐵 站 B 出 口 向 工 業 區 方 向 步 行 約 10 分 鐘 )


個市大上大落波幅又大,最o岩買牛熊證,貪佢無引申波幅(VI)明碼實價,不過要記住牛熊證係睇期指的,唔係睇恆指。仲要留意佢既價格,最好買價錢少過HKD$0.25 的牛熊證,咁佢既敏感度會大o的,如果唔熟可以 溫下書先, 溫書二

由即日到年尾(12月31日),透過hsbc stock express 買入牛熊證,佣金全免,不過佢一貫都係收 o左錢先,之後再回返入你的戶口。


稅貸第三擊 - 渣打

最近最積極擴充的銀行都要算係渣打--先出Manhattan 卡換 22" LCD,再黎click-a-count 送錢,加碼送出糧戶口優惠(800 百佳coupon),仲改埋個原本只屬於中學生作品的ebanking,而且仲話逆市擴充開多幾十間分行,會請多幾百人!其實無錯的...如果有實力,逆市唔擴充,唔通旺市先o黎同人爭??

佢都有推稅貸優惠,唔收息不過收手續費,最低可以做3.8% ,如果借得多分十二期或以上還仲禮品送呢!



答案係好多要click 都唔使錢,只要去開戶就可以了,反正開戶都唔使錢,即係free o架啦!

例如: 有300次免費報價
HSBC戶口都有好多Free Quote;

Shkonline 每日都有500次免費報價
Bochk i-free account 就送每個月700個免費報價


幾年前開始用渣打ebanking,佢個介面(interface)一向都俾人取笑,雖然一個interface 好唔好係好主觀的,但係同其他銀行比,佢個interface 真係連二三線細行都不如,例如當border frame 已被淘汰時,渣打佢仲用緊...你話係咪好懷舊先.. 係味"潮"先。


其實轉換新介面一o的都唔易的,既要照顧舊系統、功能、資料等....又要預計之後延伸,完成後functional test 都要試到歐電,加埋唔同既scenario,試一年差不多了。所以在這裡向渣打的系統人員致敬,我會幫你做多o的stress test。

試用: click 左上方登入,

如果想登記佢個ebanking需要 "電話理財密碼"。

一周濕碎Jetso 27/10- 2/11


"AIB"基金排行榜 - Jan 07 - Dec 07;
-永安旅遊 - 自遊行套票coupon;

-網友報料: 荃灣, 荃新天地 -奇華新開幕 - 8 折 for 1星期;
-經濟日報 - 投資理財週刊 (理財DIY - 理算試算表 & 個案分析) ;

-麥提莎意粉屋優惠 (意粉 - 高達50% off) ;

-Neutrogena 分享我的日誌可以換取 14日試用裝;

-CK Warehouse Sale 30/10-2/11

-北角新都城百貨 - G2000-20% off, Giordano等有$50 coupon(購物滿$500)和其他優惠

-7-11 - "粒粒橙"橙汁 - $5.5一支, 我買左西柚味, ok! ^.^

Citibank mobile ebanking送$150

之前已經講過好多次Citibank的 優惠 (舊文(1)(2))

今日佢再推出流動網上銀行優惠,由11月1日至12月31日,只要用手機或者mobile device 登入呢個網址: ,即送HK$50現金券,再做埋定期送多一百。

Citibank 真係唔錯,成日有o的promotion 鼓勵我地用佢既ebanking,又送飛又送coupon 。
佢個八達通credit card 都做得好成功。
如果你仲未有ebanking account快o的登記返個,有信用卡已經可以開戶:


推廣期為2008年11月1 日至2008年12月31日。(「推廣期」)